The allotment garden law and its variations

The allotment garden law, also known as the federal allotment garden law, stipulates at federal level which building projects are permitted on allotment garden sites. The only uniform regulation for the whole of Germany is that a maximum of 24 m² of enclosed space may be built, although there are some exceptions.

What can be built where?
There are additional provisions to the 24 m² rule that relate to permitted roof overhangs, ridge heights, eaves heights and external toilet or equipment rooms. There are regional differences and various interpretations. Some examples:
24 m² floor space
Ridge height up to 3.60 m
Pitched roof height 2.70 m
Roof overhangs up to 80 cm
Eaves height up to 2.30 m

Height specifications apply from the top edge of the floor, provided that the foundation is max. is 25 cm high. The eaves height here is the lowest Edge of the roof surface!
24 m² floor space
Ridge height 4.20 m
Pitched roof height 2.70 m
Roof overhangs 30 cm
Eaves height 2.30 m

Height specifications apply from the top edge of the floor, provided that the foundation is max. is 25 cm high. The eaves height here is the lowest Edge of the roof surface!
24 m² floor space
Ridge height 3.50 m
Pitched roof height 2.60 m
Roof overhangs 80 cm
Eaves height 2.25 m

Height specifications apply from the top edge of the floor, provided that the foundation is max. is 25 cm high. The eaves height here is the lowest Edge of the roof surface!
Unfortunately, there is no uniformity across the board. In Berlin, for example, the regulations vary depending on the district. Some districts have adopted regulations from other cities, while others have their own interpretations.
Scope for regulation?
There is occasionally room for maneuver, but this depends heavily on the people in charge. In recent years, however, those responsible have become stricter, and even the smallest deviations can lead to rejections.
If your planned garden shed is not approved, you should either make adjustments or consider an alternative model. This revised summary offers you valuable insights into the allotment garden law and its variations.